Alongside, Telegram also said that their initial tests of privacy-focused ads in public channels were successful, paving for yet another revenue stream. With no update on how much the paid version of Telegram would be, the platform’s CEO said it’ll be rolled out later this month.

Telegram is already a full-packed platform for all types of communication. With the addition of bots and large broadcasting channels, the platform is even used for small business purposes. Yet, some people keep demanding Telegram lift up the restrictions and be more flexible. As it’s currently free and extending limits will put extra pressure on its servers, Telegram decided to commercialize the extra asking with a paid version! Rumors of a Telegram paid version have been in the news for a while, with the platform’s CEO confirming today. Pavel Durov in his Telegram channel revealed plans for introducing a paid version of the platform that comes with extra features. These include the ability to send extra-large documents, media files, premium stickers, and reactions. Though these are exclusive to be used by premium users, free-tier users can view them too. Assuring that they won’t neglect free-tier users, Durov also said that their initial tests for privacy-focused ads in public one-to-many channels are successful and may be introduced soon. Saying that the platform should be funded primarily by its users than advertisers, Durov didn’t reveal the paid pricing of this paid tier but said it would be rolling out later this month to everyone. Interested people can subscribe to have the gates open for more fun.

Telegram Confirmed Working on a Paid Version With Extra Features - 26