Chrome extensions can be of great use in such times. Extensions are tools that will add extra functionalities to your Netflix account. Developers have designed a wide range of dedicated extensions that will take your Netflix experience to the next level. From using handy shortcuts to watching shows with your native subtitles, chrome extensions can do it all. But you might be thinking about how to get a suitable one for yourself. So to make your work convenient, we have noted down some of the best and helpful chrome extensions to use with Netflix. Also Read- Best VPN For Netflix

List of Best Netflix Chrome Extensions You Can Use in 2022

1. Netflix Party (Teleparty)

It is one of the most widely used chrome extensions available for Netflix. Teleparty allows you to enjoy your favorite Netflix shows along with your friends and families. It has a watch party-like functionality that helps you share your screen with others without being physically present with them. You can also chat with your participant with the chatbox option available.

List of Best Netflix Chrome Extensions You Can Use in 20221. Netflix Party (Teleparty)2. Netflix Extended3. Trim IMDB Ratings on Netflix4. Super Netflix5. Netflix Subtitle Option6. FindFlicks7. Netflix Profanity Filter8. Watchee VPN9. NflxMultiSubs (Netflix Multi. Subtitles)10. Netflix Hidden Categories

The extension synchronizes your movies and shows playback. Netflix party supports Netflix and other OTTs like Disney+, Hulu, HBO, and more. So from now if you were away from your house and can not spend quality time with your friends and families, a Netflix Party will be a perfect tool to reunite with them. Get it Here

2. Netflix Extended

Netflix has some default keyboard shortcuts that can increase and decrease the volume or completely mute it. But sometimes, we need some more shortcuts that make controlling video playback more convenient and easy. In such a case, you can use Netflix Extended to add more functionality to your keyboard. With this extension, you can jump to the next episode, return to the Netflix home screen or play any random show or movies easily just by using your keyboard buttons. Additionally, you get some extra features like setting an auto-reload option, video time-out mode, etc. However, the extensions assign a default key for each option available, but you can also arrange it yourself. Get it Here

3. Trim IMDB Ratings on Netflix

If you often like to watch movies and shows based on their IMDb ratings, Trim will be a helpful extension. It shows IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes ratings for each movie and shows on Netflix. The ratings are visible on the content thumbnails. It is effortless to use as you only have to install the extension on your Chrome browser, and the extension will start showing movies and shows ratings accordingly. If you click on the rating, it will redirect you to the official IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes page to get a detailed review. However, you may not get episode-wise ratings on it. Get it Here

4. Super Netflix

We will now discuss the extension to call the most relevant one for use on any OTT platform. As the name suggests, Super Netflix offers you some excellent features that will make you feel like a superhuman. Its key feature includes skip the intro, adjust bitrate, color scheme settings, etc. You will find a handy control panel just on top of your Netflix screen that can be used to access all the features. It also offers some extra features like downloading subtitles, one tap language switch, and lots more. Moreover, you can blur any explicit thumbnail from popping up on the screen with its sensitive content option. Get it Here

5. Netflix Subtitle Option

If you are looking for a dedicated extension for enjoying a popular international show, you can opt for the Netflix subtitle Option. This extension helps you to access all the subtitles available on Netflix settings easily. Furthermore, you can find and sync 3rd party subtitles of your choice. The extension allows you to change the subtitle’s size, color, opacity, etc., with it. You will also get general subtitle settings like windows opacity and color adjustment along with all these custom options. Get it Here

6. FindFlicks

With over 7500 categories and more than millions of shows, Netflix can be called an entertainment warehouse. So if you don’t have any specific movie names on your mind, finding a suitable choice can be difficult for you. However, find flicks extension can give you a bit of relief. Find flicks help you to filter all the content in Netflix to present you with the desired content. For example, if you want to watch a comedy show starring Tom Hanks, search Tom Hanks on it, and the extension will show you all movies and shows available. Get it Here

7. Netflix Profanity Filter

As the name suggests, Netflix profanity filter will filter all the profanity language from your movies and shows. We all love to watch Netflix content for its quality and quantity, but sometimes the language used in some shows may be inappropriate for kids. The extension will give you relief as it automatically beats out all the slurs from the audio track. Additionally, you can also trim out filthy words from the subtitles as well. Just install the extension from Chrome and add profanity words in its dictionary. The extension will start doing its job. You can also add any custom words that you don’t want on your video in its dictionary. Get it Here

8. Watchee VPN

This is an unbeatable tool for watching Netflix content of different countries. Netflix contains movies and shows that are country-specific. If you live in the USA, you may not get Netflix content in Spain. Watchee VPN unlocks all the countries specific contains for you so that you can enjoy it from anywhere in the world. Netflix is a reputed OTT platform. All its contents are well encrypted, so any regular proxies or VPN will get easily detected by their authorities, and you may end up losing your subscription. But with Watchee VPN, you are safe. The only drawback is that you may have to incur some subscription fees to watch everything in HD quality. Get it Here

9. NflxMultiSubs (Netflix Multi. Subtitles)

This is another extension for using subtitles in Netflix. You will find lots of popular shows on Netflix from different countries. The shows generally have different languages, so you obviously have to depend on subtitles if you are not a polyglot. Netflix NflxMultiSubs offers you subtitles in a variety of languages. You will get subtitles in Russian, Japanese, Chinese, and all other major languages, along with different native languages also. Install it from Chrome, and you will get access to all subtitles available for your preferred show on their popup settings. Get it Here

10. Netflix Hidden Categories

Generally, you will find 7500 categories on Netflix. You can choose any show from your favorite category and enjoy it with friends and families. But sometimes, you may not find your preferred category present in it. Netflix Hidden Categories extension will be of great help in this situation. Actually, besides general categories, Netflix also owns 20000 secret embedded categories. The extension digs deep into the platform and finds those categories for you to have enough choices to make. Get it Here

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